
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Waking up in Batanes

You wake up to a different place far and away from home but it feels exactly like home-- comfortable, cozy, happy.

You go out to see the place with friends and you interact with the kindest people you'd ever meet along the way. 
You breathe the freshest air free from the pollution and smog of the metropolis. 
Valugan Bay
The sunrise seems like the most beautiful burst of orange from the sea set in a misty shore of stones.

You're still sleepy but there's that tingly feeling inside that excites your body to see more and feel more. So you pose for photos.

With swollen faces from the night's sleep, your heart smiles.
This was my morning in Batanes. It gave the perfect prelude to a virgin exploration of this beautiful island getaway in the northern border of the Philippines. 

The entire experience is such a refreshing cultural immersion
where locals treated us to some pop corn
Then showed us their talent and skills in the art of weaving.
They let us discover amazing things such as water containers that look like solid bubbles.
And try out rain gears called bakul.

There's so much about Batanes I give much respect to like the solemn churches, 
and the houses 

that literally survived decades if not a century of storms.
Magical were the lighthouses during the day.
Mighty they were during the night.
My senses (not to mention my tummy) were filled with bliss...  
Smiling tutorial includes manual stretching of cheeks
Oh the madness the buko brought...
The gush of wind through the Marlboro Country...
 Every rock...

Every grain of sand...
The most quaint of windows...
Certain as the waves...
All these calm the soul. 
With this serenity I find that particular kind of willingness to fall a few times and show I was petrified...
then be brave seeing the cliffs 
and speed along them to actually learn how to bike!
This was my Batanes, memories were set on photos and the love was imprinted on my heart. 

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