
Monday, February 4, 2013

Lumpia from Polland Hopia

We've always received tikoy in the house every year since I was a kid as far as I can remember. I have never thought of
doing the giving myself until I was reminded by Shyla the luck it would bring as I heard her suggest the thought three weeks ago. I'm no Chinese but I'm a believer in good returns. So with my agenda of positive karma, I made a personal note to myself on what to do before the coming Chinese New Year. 

I have not yet exerted much effort of finding where to buy my stash since a trip to Eng Bee Tin Binondo would be a a simple and enjoyable task I would love to do until tonight when I realized I wouldn't have much time for that trip and that I would need to settle with Eng Bee Tin E. Rodriguez or Polland Hopia Mayon. And so with a quick plan and good ol' colleagues by my side, we hitched with Shyla and found ourselves in this quaint and nicely lit Chinese deli. Nope, I wasn't able to get my tikoy here but I sure was able to take a few photos and sample some of their food especially the very inviting "hand-crafted" fresh lumpia. 


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