
Sunday, February 3, 2013

One-on-one and some spirits

Gotta love my big big glass of sangria

A more detailed and graphic narration of my drama started while Karen drove to a place where we can have a few drinks.
Too bad Elaine had to go home before she was able to hear all the tipsy stories I have and that bit of crash course on I'm-not-telling-what. I loved that glass of sangria so did Karen but I just had to restrain her from falling deeply in love with it and had her just finish the chips and plate of cheese as I started imagining her rolling on the floor drunk with just a few sips. I enjoyed the night talking about life and people watching. It was beautiful. We haven't gone out like this, we never did. And Barcino was not enough as we just had to extend a few more drinks at Bugsy's just a block away. Cheers to this first night!

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